Course curriculum

    1. Introduction to How to do a call audit - Purpose and expected end result

    2. Basic Definition of words

    3. Exercise

    1. Call Flow Chart and its elements

    2. The Human Factor

    3. The Human Factor Exercise

    4. The Technical Part

    5. Select for each question which help desk tier is responsible to handle stated situation.

    1. The Call Audit Checklist

    2. Best Practice on Doing a Call Audit

    3. Use of the BlueBird Call Audit Tool

    4. The Bluebird Call Audit Process

    5. Familiarization with the Bluebird Call Audit Checklist

    1. How to Write a Helpful Call Audit Critique

    2. Quizz on elements of a helpful critique. Select, for each situation, which is the most helpful critique.

    1. Practice doing Call Audits

About this course

  • Free
  • 16 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content